As a portrait and wedding photographer, I have had some absolutely fun and amazing sessions with my clients/friends over the years. However, I have never had a session with TWO graduates in one family before! What made this even more special was that the graduates were father and daughter! Madison was graduating from the University of San Diego with her Bachelor’s Degree and Scott was graduating from the same institution with a Master’s Degree! How incredibly special! Scott works at USD, so this campus has practically become their second home. This isn’t the end for Madison either, since she’ll be right back at it again soon as she begins her Masters’s Degree, working towards becoming a teacher. What an amazing family!
It was so wonderful to see this family together. I could tell that they were all so different from one another but that they loved and appreciated each other’s differences. Three generations bonded together through mutual respect and admiration. So wonderful to witness. Sometimes I can sense families may not want to be too snuggly with one another or that the adult children are a bit uncomfortable showing affection to each other or to their parents. Not with this family! They were so quick to laugh with one another, to joke around, and to just be themselves. They made my job so easy and enjoyable!
Just look at the images below and you can see how adorable they all are together, especially these two amazing USD grads! Madison and Scott reminded me of myself and my dad. I believe that I am a history teacher because of the powerful influence he had over me while I was growing up. He taught history and government at Coronado High School and I learned so much from him! I still remember sitting around the dinner table at night, playing history trivia games that he would just make up off the top of his head. I was so eager to get them right and impress him! On numerous occasions, I went to his campus with him and watched him teach his students. What I gained the most from those days in his classroom was how he related to his students and how much they enjoyed interacting with him. He made personal connections with them and that is what I’ve really tried to do in my own classroom. Just as my dad had a positive impact on my life, anyone who spends time with the Yahner family can tell them Scott and Andrea have done a phenomenal job touching the hearts and minds of their children. Thank you Yahner family for letting me spend a short time with you during this special season of your life!

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