What a joy to be able to spend the afternoon with this adorable family! As my mom(she was my assistant!) and I waiting on the bridge for the Szafranski family, there were so many people coming to the Sweetwater River Bridge in Rancho San Diego, ready for their Fall portrait sessions and I didn’t know yet what family was mine! However, when this group of six started to walk toward me I was so excited and hopeful that they were the ones who had reached out to me for their photo session. I thought, “Wow, this momma did a FANTASTIC job putting together Fall outfits!” Luckily for me, Vanessa led her family right to me, recognizing me from my website. I was thrilled!!! Look at these adorable kids! Not only were they dressed perfectly but they were abosultely sweet and well behaved. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect way to spend my day.
From the short time that we spent together it was so obvious that Vanessa and Joe were doing a spectacular job raising these four little nuggets. Polite, joyful, playful and snuggly! I am sure when this little man starts walking he is going to follow his big sisters everywhere and be right beside them on their many adventures. It was so apparent that these kiddos love to hang out together. They were so quick to smile and to give love to their parents and to each other that I was just grinning the entire time we were together. I have two daughters and for a minute I started thinking that maybe I should have had more…but just for a minute! Haha! Being an almost empty nester is great too! However, getting a little glimpse into the dynamics of this amazing group brought a lot of joy to my heart and my mom and I thoroughly participated in the giggles of the day.

What a wonderful family. Good for you.