Every time I have a new family session I am convinced I am more blessed than they are! I meet some amazing people for the first time, and I also get to hang out with equally amazing people that I already know! Not only that, but living in San Diego makes photography so much more wonderful because the weather is usually perfect and the scenery is lovely. So, getting to walk around Balboa Park with the Ford family was just another phemomenal day in paradise! Just look at these little girlies and you will understand why I love this job so much! They couldn’t be cuter!
Lorenzo and Elisa’s journey to this season of their lives began in college, where they met at the Salt Lake Christian Church in Utah. Their story is similar to mine and Zack’s story in that they were great friends for several years befgore they had an interest in each other. In my opinion this situation truly makes marriages extra special. When a couple already have a friendship they can carry that friendship into the marriage and in the end, that is what truly matters, living life with your best friend and making memories. Their story definitely differs from ours in one huge was…Lorenzo is an incredibly talented athlete and played football for the University of Utah…Zack and I would NEVER have made it on a college team! Haha!
This love of athletics and of being healthy has resulted in Lorezo becoming a very talented Health and Wellness Coach. In addition to that, his beautiful wife Elisa is equally interested in the well being of others as she has a masters in social work from USC and is currently a medical social worker. Together they have built this adorable little family and the girls are just so sweet. They love going on adventures together and weathering any personal storms they encounter by relaying on each other. Elisa just recently lost her grandfather but it is easy to see that she has an amazing support system around her, on both sides of her family. One of those great supports is her father, Carlos, a long time San Diego resident who did a phenomenal job helping to raise his daughters who then went on to attended prestigious colleges. He is incredibly friendly and it was wonderful having him at their session. Again, what a great opportunity to spend time more San Diegans and just be in awe of how wonderful they are!!
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