Zack and I have known this beautiful girl since she was in the womb and I must say, our lives is better because of it! There is just no one quite like Sofia. She is very intellectual but at the same time she can be completely goofy. She’s been this way since she was a baby! I still remember taking her to Disneyland when she was about one. She sat in her stroller as her mother pushed her around the park, not trying to get out, not screaming for food or attention, just content to stare at all of the weird people wearing Mickey ears, giggling on the rides, and standing in the never-ending lines. She kept her serious face on the whole day! Who can do that?! However, I have seen the other side of her as well! She and my daughter Katelyn are the best of friends and they laugh hysterically over the silliest things. I love that about them!
Sofia is not just a thinker, she’s also a do-er! She has fallen passionately in love with theater and has been in numerous shows. Her dream is to pursue this in college as well. I have no doubt that she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to! Wherever she decides to attend (and she’s gotten several amazing offers!) they will be blessed to have her. Sofia is thoughtful and kind, generous, encouraging, and zealous to see justice done. This comes out, especially if you ask her why she decided to become a vegan. Again, it’s all about kindness. Both she and Katelyn love animals and want to protect them and fight for them since they can’t fight for themselves. I am sure her voice will ring out on the college campus she chooses, reminding other students that animals are important, the black lives matter, that women are equal, and that the youth need to be heard.
Sofia, we have loved you since the moment you were born and we are very proud of you! You have turned into such an amazing young woman and we rejoice, along with your parents that you have worked so hard and have accomplished so much. We are thankful for the way you have loved our Katelyn and been a loyal friend through all of these difficult years. Zack and I hope to always be a part of your life and to celebrate with you all the amazing things you are coming to accomplish! Congratulations on graduating from Newbury Park High School! We love you!

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