welcome to my blog
May 25, 2022
To say I was incredibly flattered that Colleen contacted me to inquire about a photo session would be an understatement. She and her beautifully blended family live in San Diego, but they live all the way out in Campo and they were willing to drive to Bonita for a family photo session with me and that was such a compliment! In the end, I was the one who was the most grateful for this time together because spending time with her family was such a joy! They were really such a sweet and interactive family. Angelica (she often shoots with me, and some of these images are hers) and I had such a lovely time getting to know them a little bit and getting the kids to laugh…which really wasn’t difficult because they were actually excited to get their pictures taken! Even after driving an hour to get to us in Bonita, they were so well behaved and cooperative.
Colleen had told me a little bit about her adorable brood before we met, so I knew a little what to expect but as a photographer, you never know what is going to happen when children join a photo session. I must say that this is actually part of the job that I really love though since I get to interact with families and especially with the children. The biggest issue I had was actually their names! Since I have been a teacher for over 30 years, you would think that I would be good with names, but apparently I am not! Adeline was easy to remember but I kept confusing Rainey, Ryder, and Rayden. Poor kids! Luckily they could figure it all out and happily worked with me the whole time. They were so quick to follow directions and they loved to cuddle, so what more could I ask for?!
It is always so much fun to watch as children, and men I might add, generally come to photo sessions a little apprehensive and a bit reserved. However, once we get into the session, they almost always relax and often start asking for their own ideas for poses! This was Rainey. She stood back a bit and observed me and Angelica at first but by the end of the session, she had wonderful ideas about she wanted captured with our cameras. She’s a budding photographer and I am sure she’s going to be wonderful! Adeline instantaneously let us know how precicious she is. She was absoltuely adorable! Quick to jump into a conversation, full of smiles, giggles, and hugs for her new family and especially for her beloved daddy. Colleen described her as a little “love bug” and that is exactly what she was. The boys did what boys do best – look handsome and have their moments of being goofy. Don’t get me wrong, I loved that about them and truly they were really into getting their pictures taken. Very respectuful to we two strangers they just met and to their mom and older sister.
I think what I loved the most about this session was how seamlessly they all interacted with each other and how affectionate they all were. I am positive it isn’t perfect all of the time, since that would be impossible, but blended families don’t always turn out this way and it was such a breath of fresh air to see the love that has grown between them all in the last two years since they have been together. Colleen told us that she and Brian met on the first day of the pandemic and have been “sheltering in place ever since.” What a blessing! Good things did come out of that challenging time! They’ve got a great start on building a wonderful life together and I am so grateful Angelica and I got to be a part of this season with them and to help to immortalize it for them in images.
Nicole Reyes photography is based
in san diego, Ca
We are based in San Diego and will travel anywhere in the county. We are excited to also travel outside of the county, the state, and even the country! Inquire for a peersonalized proposal
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