welcome to my blog
Apr 19, 2022
This was such a lovely day! What a blessing to be a part of and witness this young woman’s journey into adulthood! Sienna was absolutely stunning in her Cinderella ballgown. Seriously, she REALLY looked like a princess, especially when walking around Balboa Park where the buildings look like castles. However, she started her day in a more serene, spiritual way with family and friends at Saint Pius X Church in Chula Vista. Surrounded by beautiful stained glass windows, she not only celebrated her fifteenth birthday, but she was also recommitting herself to her church, her traditions, and her faith. The ceremony was emotional as her parents, grandparents, godparents, damas, chambelanes all played a significant roles. Each showed their love for her in different ways and it was very touching as they either walked down the aisle before her, presented her with a rosary, and participated in communion with her. My favorite part of the ceremony was when she and her parents stood in front of the priest together and then before Veronica and Jason sat down, they each whispered words of love and encouragement into her ear. You could see on Sienna’s face just what that meant to her.
I have no idea what Veronica told Sienna, but it was probably something along the same lines as what she noted to me about the things she loves most about her beautiful daughter. She mentioned, “I love her free spirit and her laughter. Her giggles are contagious and she reminds me to just enjoy the little things. She’s carefree and confident and already becoming a strong, independent young lady. She’s incredibly dedicated to those she loves and she values her family and friends. She is stong inside and out and her commitment to her sport, cheer, has allowed her to already accomplish so much at a young age: Summit Champion, Worlds Athlete and Varsity. She’s sparkle, sass, and a tuck all rolled into one!”
After the ceremony in the church, the entire crew headed out to Balboa Park for portraits and that was quite an adventure! Mom and Dad and the godparents stayed for a bit to get their portraits done but then needed to rush back to the Venue in Eastlake to get ready for the big party. That meant Zack, Angelica, and I got to hang out with a ton of teenagers in the park! We actually had a lot of fun and it wasn’t anything I wasn’t used to…considering I teach eighth grade. They were just like mini bridesmaids and groomsmen. The funny thing is…groomsmen usually act like teenagers, so this was completely normal for us! Haha! The boys especially were hilarious and made the most of their opportunity to have lots of fun with their parents out of the picture. They were great sports though as we took them through the park and asked them to do different poses. I am sure it came from a deep love for Sienna. They were troopers!
The party at the Venue in Eastlake in the evening was AMAZING! This place was absolutely beautiful! Veronica did such a great job pulling the entire thing together. She should be an event planner! What I enjoyed the most about that night was watching the interactions of the people who were in attendance. I had never been to a quinceanera before so it was fascinating to watch the proceedings and the people who participated. It was very special when Sienna had her dances with her grandfather, her godparents, and then her father. So touching. So sweet. Then the wild dancing started and things were really hopping at that point. One of the greatest parts of dancing was that the adults and the teens all mixed it up together! Such wonderful generational friendships! What an amazing combination of long-time friendships, high school friends, friends from cheerleading, and family. The greatest dancer of them all was Veronica’s aunt and she made it a point to dance with each of the teen boys. They had a hard time keeping up! She was spectacular!
All in all I cannot fail to believe that Sienna felt loved and encouraged. How could she not?! What a day! Congratulations sweet girl!
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