We met David and Christine for the first time on the cliffs of La Jolla overlooking this beautiful turquoise ocean. Even though it’s usually a little awkward when you meet someone for the first time, these two were so warm and welcoming that it made our entire session, including the very beginning, absolutely relaxed and extremely comfortable. By the end of the session it felt like we were old friends and this made us just that much more excited about their upcoming wedding, which was the NEXT WEEK! We’ve never shot an engagement session and wedding so close to each other but there were some extenuating circumstances and we were thrilled to be able to jump in at the last minute and be a part of this beautiful season in their lives.
This engagement and subsequent wedding was such an honor for us! Not only are David and Christine the NICEST people you could possibly meet, they are a part of a lovely family…and a family of photographers!! Christine’s parents had planned to photograph her wedding just as they had done for her siblings but due to unforseen circumstances they could not serve them in this way. I am so grateful they reached out to me and so encouraged that they entrusted me with this significant event in their lives. As I write this, their wedding has actually come and gone and it was beautiful! Again, the blending of the families and the blending of the cultures (Korean, Mexican, Ecuadorian, African American and Native American) was beyond beautiful and extremely joyful.
Another part of David and Christine’s love story that makes this couple special to us is that their story is so close to ours! They knew each other for years before love blossomed and they were great friends with no thought of romance between them. However, as the years went by and their paths kept crossing, the light bulb went on and they realized they were perfect for each other! Sounds so familiar! He even proposed to Christine on the beach in Santa Barabara (Zack proposed on the beach in Oxnard). While Zack make our proposal unique by including a horse (great story for another time), David brought his guitar and serenaded his beautiful fiance! Wow! Even though we weren’t there when that proposal took place, I have no problem envisioning the scene and the smiles and the giggles. After watching them interact during our session together their love for each other was so apparent. Christine told me that what she especially loves about David is how he, “is gentle with me. Also, I love his hugs and his dad jokes.” David in turn noted his love for, “Christine’s heart for God and people.” They obviously are perfect for one another and they have an amazing adventure before them…TOGETHER! Congratulations!!

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